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5 nov 2016

Tricolour crepes

Today we'll prepare "crespelle", or as they are more commonly known in French "crepes".
According to how hungry you are you can eat them as a starter or as a second course. :)
The recipe I give today you is really light, with no butter or oil, that are not even used when cooking the crepes.

Since "crespelle" can be sweet or salty and you can stuff them as you wish, today I chose a "tricolour stuffing": cheesy cream, tomatoes and rocket! :)
At the end of the recipe you will find a tip for another tasty filling! ;)

- Preparation time: 1 hour
- Ingredients (for 6 crepes):

 For the crepes:
300 gr fkour
500 ml milk
2 eggs
A pinch of salt

 For the stuffing:
500 gr Ricotta cheese
100 gr Feta cheese or grated Parmesan
Cherry tomatoes
Extra virgin olive oil


Put the sieved flour in a bowl together with the salt and the milk.
Start mixing with a whisk and then add the eggs previously beaten. Mix until the liquid is smooth and without any lumps.
Cover the bowl with the cling film and leave it in the fridge for 20 minutes.

In the meanwhile prepare the stuffing.
In a bowl mix the Ricotta cheese with the Feta or the Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, oregano and 2 spoons of oil.

Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them in 4 or in thin slices.
Once the crepes batter is ready, heat a pan (there’s no need to put butter or oil, the crepes won’t get burnt) and when it’s hot, pour some of the batter in it using a ladle.

Tilt he pan so that the batter will evenly coat the surface of the pan.

After approximately 30 seconds, flip the crepe so that it will brown on both sides.

Once all the crepes are ready stuff them starting with the cheesy cream.

Then add the tomatoes.

Finally add the rocket.

Fold the crepes in two and serve.

Buon appetito!

TIP: For an even tastier and more mediterranean stuffing, take a look at the recipe of "Panzerotti with tuna": http://ilcucchiaiomatto.blogspot.com.es/2013/05/panzerotti-with-tuna.html

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