Today's recipe is what in Italian we call "insalatona", that is to say "Big Salad". :)
Light, but nourishing, it's perfect, in small portions, as a tasty starter or as a single course after a huge meal! ;)
-Preparation time: 30 minutes
-Ingredients: (for 3 people)
125 gr of salad (lettuce, radicchio, the one you prefer :) )
1/2 onion
12 cherry tomatoes
1 yellow pepper
2 tins of tuna (112 gr drained)
1 mozzarella
2 eggs
Start by putting the eggs in a pot full of water. When they're ready, 10 minutes after the water has started boiling, put out the fire and wash the eggs under fresh water, then let them cool completely.
In the meanwhile wash the salad and put it in a big bowl with the onion previously cut in stripes.
Wash and cut the pepper in stripes and the tomatoes in 4.
Drain the mozzarella, cut it in small pieces and add it to the vegetables.
Finally peel the eggs, cut them in slices and put them in the bowl.
Then add the drained tuna.
Season with salt, oil and vinegar.
Put it in a plate and serve it.
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